Christmas is a Christian holiday. Celebrating Santa perverts and paganizes our Christian holiday. This is offensive. Do you believe that Jesus is real? That he died on the cross and rose again three days later? If yes, than Christianity should be taken seriously and we should celebrate Christmas with truth. Celebrating "Happy holidays" by including Santa removes Jesus from the holiday that is about Him.
The message of Santa communicates to children that lying is OK. We don't lie to our kids. We don't tell them that the park is closed or the tooth fairy brought them money either. We also want to teach our kids that lying is wrong. Once someone lies to you, their trust is broken and you may think they've lied about other things. We want our children to know that everything we tell them is true. Having a relationship with our kids where they trust us is more important than brining pagan characters into our lives. By including Santa in Christmas, we are conveying an emotionally-driven lie to our children: that Christmas is about getting the best presents from a fantasy character that wears a red suit.
The lie is life long and will be repeated when our children do the same thing to their children. Do you remember how you felt after learning that your parents lied to you for 10+ years?
But you have the option to celebrate Christmas without Santa this year.
By Celebrating Santa, our culture makes it so you can enjoy Christmas without Jesus. Non-christians love Christmas. They like looking at the Christmas lights, decorating their Christmas tree, getting vacation days off of work and giving and receiving gifts. They enjoy the music and baking cookies. However, people get offended when you say "Merry Christmas" and instead want to say "Happy Holidays". What holiday are you celebrating? It has become such a polarizing issue, that politicians talk about it in campaign speeches.
You literally cannot remove yourself from celebrating the Santa. There are songs about him playing on the radio and a whole genre of movies with him as the story line. There is only Santa postage stamps, no Jesus ones. The many Christmas parties and parades in our community happen with Santa attending and sometimes is the main attraction advertised on the posters. Our children are not supposed to tell other kids that Santa is not real; however, it is fine for kids and society to lie and convince our kids that Santa is real.
Santa is a relationship, not a character like Mickey Mouse or Spiderman you see at theme parks. At an age when children cannot tell what is true and what is fantasy, they are taught that he comes and surprises them with presents on Christmas eve. Your child can write letters to him, call him on the phone, or follow him on a web site. He knows if your children have been well behaved or not throughout the year. Your child cares for Santa by leaving cookies and milk for him for when he visits and a carrot for his reindeer. This is all a big lie, and why should a child trust a parent that lies to them about something that is so important?
Your kids visit him and take photos with him. He listens to your kids's wishes and remembers them. The photos happen even if the child is scared or crying. If this was any other adult, any other time of year, you would never force your child to be in close proximity with them. It would be inappropriate and grooming.
Just stop it.
It removes the blessing of giving gifts to your children. Giving gifts is an act of love that strengthens your relationship with your child and between siblings. Do not give that special bond to a fictional surrogate. If your child wants a video game, he will appreciate the item more because you gave it to him. The love between you will grow because you gave your child a thoughtful gift that he actually likes and uses. Imagine the relationship you are cultivating by allowing Santa the privilege of giving gifts to your children, the memories it creates and why it is devastating for some kids to learn it was all a lie.
A police department does Santa visits via police cruiser on Christmas eve to families in our town. They have a man dress up to give gifts to children on the tax payer dime. This is dumb.
Just stop it.
It removes godly parenting and replaces it with lying. "Santa won't bring you that game you like if you don't behave," and the "Santa Cam" which is lying about spying on Children. This is wrong.
Just stop it.
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